Nannette and Milton History


Nannette and I met while studying at Southwestern Baptist Seminary. We were married in the Calvary Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas in August,1962, after Milton received his Masters in Church Music. Our challenge was to complete several years of service in order to satisfy the SBC Foreign Mission Board's requirement for appointment to mission service.

So, in September, we began serving the Immanuel Baptist Church, in Savannah Georgia. Below is a picture of our first house--a garden apartment that suited us perfectly. We called it the "Pink House." You can see a screened-in porch, where we enjoyed relaxing and dining when the weather permitted. The roof was of tin, and squirrels would often wake us up early in the morning as they used the top of the roof as a bridge to get from one tree to another. Mrs. King, the owner, had several Siamese cats, so squirrels were very wary of them. When the cats were outside, they would screech at each other, and Mrs. King would say "Now boys, let's be pleasant." as if she were speaking to her own children. She did have three grown daughters.

Our first child, Phillip Allan, was born there in 1963. Following our stay in Savannah, we moved to Columbus, GA where we had a wonderful ministry, especially with the young people. The Lord moved us once again to Elba, Alabama, where I was the town's "minister of music" according to one of our church members. Our second child Emily Anne, was born in nearby Enterprise. Again, we were reminded of our commitment to foreign missions, and to better prepare ourselves for that task, we moved to New Orleans Baptist Seminary for some further study.

Our next step was Missionary Orientation in Calloway Gardens, just north of Columbus, GA. After our orientation session ended, we boarded a ship for Taiwan, to begin our ministry, arriving there on Aug 2, 1970, our eighth wedding anniversary.


       Our First House, Savannah, Georgia                                           Our First Church: Immanuel Baptist

                                                                                                                                Savannah, Georgia 



Our second Church Eastern Heights           Our Third Church First Baptist Elba, Alabama
                 Columbus, Georgia                                                             






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